Thanking The Artist
I need to Thank so many of you wonderful Artist for all your hard work. I am so ashamed, I was going thru my DL list looking for stuff, I am now DLing Sims 3 in my laptop, my desktop needs some help so I was trying to find some of my favs to DL again and was shocked and embarassed by how many Thank you's I haven't done. I thought I had been good about Thanking everyone, I give thanks even when I don't DL because of all the hard work you all put into each creation. I prided myself or at least I use to on not being perfect but for doing what I am suspose to do, but OMG I am so sorry. I am in the process of correcting this, it may take me a lil bit to get all of them done. The only excuse I have is I get excited and forget and sometimes i am tired and get stupid. Anyway there are no excuses so I'll own it and say I'm sorry. Thank you Thank you Thank you all for all your hard work. I do enjoy all my CC it makes the game, otherwise I think it would be boring. Also to the website decision makers, I don't think it's necessary and it's annoying everytime I do a thank you the pop up thanks me come on this is time consuming and maybe it can be done just the first thank you of the day, think about it since things are changing, please.
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